Weathering Upper Deck

USS Constitution
Starting to weathering upper deck.
I used 4 colors to WEATHER the deck
This is the base pain coat (Light TAN)
Then I dry brush Brown with a dab of Green
and for the final coat
I very dry brush with black.
I think it came out looking pretty good!

What do you think??


  1. Nice touch on the deck….I am just starting that same model;kinda sad that the lower gun deck won’t be seen in its entirety.I think I’ll try the same weathering technique for the upper deck also.Damn..the rigging sheets looks like it will be a nightmare.Have you got any finished pics..or any other ot what you have completed? Thanks…great work!

  2. Hay Keith
    Thanks for the deck…
    I was also sad and a bit MAD that the lower gun deck won’t be seen, I put a lot of work and effort into that.
    The deck weathering came out way better then the pics show!
    I have put the model on hold for the summer.
    I got it keep me busy during the winter months!
    Please keep me post on how you are doing and I would love to see some pictures of your USS Constitution

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