Category: News

Calibrate Your Mouse

Is your mouse calibrated?

You should do this every few days.
More often if you spend a lot of time on computer.
I was shocked to see that this works!

To re-calibrate your mouse, click and hold on the Y below.
Then drag the Y toward the g .
If it doesn’t work, you might want to clean your mouse.

Y ou dumb ass. You’ll believe anythin g

Dumb Game

If you don’t know it I am a game junkie!
I always have been … will you know the rest.

Here is one of those simple games that you can’t stop playing
The Game

Zoysia Grass Plugs

This summer I have been going to town making Zoysia Grass Plugs and plugging any bare spot I see. So now our lawn has these BRIGHT gree spots all of.
[photopress:Zoysia_Seeds.JPG,thumb,pp_empty]2 summers ago we got 2 packages of the seeds off of ebay.
the picture is all that we have left!

We had some “6 packs” that I had saved just for this.
I put a bit of compost and sprinkle a few seeds then just like
Jack and the Bean Stalk
We have Zoysia Grass

IPN-Pro 3

I was looking for a digital download and came across IPN-Pro 3

Buyer beware! IPN-Pro 3

While this looks like a good program and despite the the sales claim “Compatible with all major browsers, IE6, Firefox, Netscape, Opera etc…Its NOT! It did not work on any of the pc’s or laptops in the house. It would trip the popup blocker in both IE and Opera everytime! And when I told Dwayne of the problem and offered to help fix it all I got was “if you are still experiencing the problem don’t blame my program blame microsoft” This was Dwayne’s way of fixing IPN-Pro 3 “the bottom line is the user needs to set the security from high to medium or even to low” Dwayne has a bug in IPN-Pro 3 and will not admit it or he can not fix it. Dwayne even went so far as to remove my posting reporting the trouble with IPN-Pro 3 and ban me from his support board. I have to say that that I think that was very childish on Dwayne part. I did get my money back I was also called a cheat. So if you are looking for a digital download manager I would stay away from IPN-Pro 3, its not worth the trouble! I went with Linklok for Paypal It works

House On Fire

Once again our street, in Holland Michigan, has a little drama.
At five o’clock this morning the house down the block caught on fire.
The house was totally gutted!
You can see all of the House On Fire pictures.

Bingo can pay off !

[photopress:Bingo5.JPG,thumb,pp_empty]I played a nickel slot machine at
and won lots of nickels !
Five boats on a line brought me 15,000 nickels.
The total for this one spin was 18,500 nickels ! I have played at lots of different bingo sites in the past few years. has showed me that people actually win at these sites !

[photopress:Bingo4.JPG,thumb,pp_empty]This bingo site is alot of fun.
The bingo CMs at are great and of course the slot machines are fun too !
This shows the payoff on the slot machine, $912.50 !
My name at is Suzie166, if you decide to play come into the chat room and say Hi ! Hope to see you there .

[photopress:Bingo1.JPG,thumb,pp_empty]Another nice hit on a slot machine !
Five eggs on the slot machine paid 3500 nickels. This Get Crackin’ slot machine is on too. I have to admit I only play nickels, I’m Dutch !

Sign Up Here !
You can play for free or try your luck at Bingo, Slots and many other casino games !

Sudacare Shower Soothers

You have got to try these Shower Soothers !
They are called sudacare shower soothers by pfizer.
They work really well and sooth while you shower !
All you have to do is lay one tablet on the shower floor and
let it do it’s magic.
These shower soothers really clear your nasal passage and help you breathe easier.

One thing we noticed about the shower soothers was that they are a great remedy for a sore throat too !
Since we quit smoking a year ago, both of us have noticed that we
have to clear our throats alot !
The shower soothers take care of that for quite some time.
Give the sudacare shower soothers a try !

SudaCare Shower Soothers Vaporizing Shower Tablets , 7 tablets

Sue’s B Day

Today is Sue’s BIG B Day, Its her 50th.
While she has been 🙁 about it
she does not come close to looking and especially acting 50.
More like 35 most of the time other time its like living with….

You can see the rest of her B-Day pictures HERE

Winter Wonder

It all started last night at 6:45 PM.
All day everyone was saying that it would start at 7:00PM
So I guess that it was close enough to count!

We got about 4 inches last night.
But this snow fall was very WET and HEAVY.

Sue’s Accident

Sue was in an accident this morning and I want to get some pictures up Sue SUV0018
You can see the rest of the Sue’s Accident pictures hereHERE
I have some bad news.
My Sue was in a car accident today and totaled out our SUV.
Good news is, she walked away almost without a scratch.
UPDATE She came out of this with one broken rib absolutely amazing!
The SUV rolled three or four times.

She is lucky on more than one account.
Couple of days ago , we lost the gas cap.
So as the car is rolling, gas is spewing all over the ground and all over the car,
Sparks are flying, and nothing happens, absolutely amazing!
Maps that were in the car were jammed into the outside door frame as the car had slid.
The car landed upside down so my wife is strapped upside down with the roof crushed in.
Gas is coming out , and her door is jammed and will not open.
So she has to do scurry across and try to get the passenger door open.

What happened was a guy came to a stop sign thought it was a four-way stop.
He stopped , and then went and hit the bumper of her car.
The actual damage he did from the hit was really pretty minor .
but physics , always wins!

Sue SUV0014
Some how her purse was dragged on the ground and thrown back into the car.
absolutely amazing!